Malka Yasmin Bey, married to Adamus Bey (Nino) is a herbalist. She is originally from Louisiana Territory. She has been raised by a grandmother who has had a relationship with plants similar to George Washington Carver. At one point, there were over 120 + plants and flowers surrounding her home. Grandma had a personal relationship with them all. If a plant would die, grandma would cry. It was her grandma's love for nature and respect for 'how it took care of us if we took care it' that inspired Yasmin to be submerged into the benefits of the properties in each plant or flower. Ironically, it was herbs blended by "Jazz" that healed both grandma and grandpa from diabetes and lung and prostate cancer. Yasmin is seeking to bring back the true remedy for illnesses. Thanks to ancestors for paving the way.